
For more curricular information contact info@clwacademy.org.uk

Curriculum intent

Drama is a powerful tool for self-expression and communication.

Our intention, is to spark students’ love for theatre and performing, encouraging creativity, critical thinking and collaboration. Students will achieve this through the study of a diverse range of theatrical styles and genres as well thought-provoking topics.

Through the study of drama students will build resilience and independence allowing them to become confident members of society.

Our drama curriculum focuses on four main skillsets from Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 drama qualifications: creating, performing, designing and evaluating.

Our curriculum explores a range of different genres and styles from theatre’s history including Shakespeare and Greek Theatre to more contemporary performance styles such as physical theatre and theatre in education. Students are given the opportunity at every key stage to explore a diverse range of performance texts as well as devise and design their own performance work.

In addition to this central skill set we also explore drama as a tool to promote conversation – using a range of challenging and thought-provoking stimulus and scripts at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. Exploring bullying, peer pressure and social media, the refugee crisis and conflict, allowing conversation to be drawn out both in discussion and performance work.

At Carlton le Willows, we also pride ourselves on the extracurricular opportunities we provide. Students are able to take part in a whole school musical every year, other opportunities are also available for students throughout the year, from Year 7 drama club, musical theatre club and the whole school drama club – CLW stars.

Some of the whole school shows we have put on are:

Aladdin Jr (2019)

School of Rock (2019)

High School Musical Jr (2022)

CLW Stars Summer Showcase (2023)



The curriculum for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 is based on three core elements of drama: style, script and devising. Each year they build on their knowledge and understanding of these elements preparing them for both GCSE and A level

drama. This curriculum is also prepares students for future learning and the world outside of education with transferable skills such as communication and collaboration.


Students opting to take Drama as an option in Key Stage 4 will sit Eduqas GCSE Drama

The course contains two practical units, Component 1 Devising Theatre, and Component 2 Performing a Text. Over the two year course students also work towards a final written exam, Component 3 Interpreting Theatre.


At Key Stage 5 Sixth Formers studying A Level Drama and Theatre Studies follow the Eduqas specification which is broken into three components – Theatre Workshop; Text in Action and Text in Performance.

Assessment at the end of two years is through a combination of a final written exam, a scripted performance and devised performance and two pieces of extended written coursework reflecting on the practical process.