IT and Computing

Head of Department: Mr Boyer (

Curriculum intent

“We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist.”

– Maruan El Mahgiub

Our curriculum is designed around the three pillars of Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. It is our intent to develop declarative and procedural knowledge and apply it to problem solving and creation of digital artefacts.

Students are supported through an aspirational learning journey, allowing them to achieve in Computer Science or Creative iMedia, regardless of their starting point.

The increasing use of technology in all aspects of our lives makes IT & Computing an essential life skill. Our aim is not only to help students to develop their technical skills but also help them understand when to apply these skills purposefully, safely and responsibly.

IT & Computing develops students’ independent learning skills and provides them with a range of ways to present and share their knowledge and ideas. Students learn the importance of reflecting on their work and seeking the opinions of others, in order to develop their ideas. This subject contributes towards students’ enjoyment and sense of achievement by providing them with powerful tools to support their creativity, initiative and independent thinking.

All students use a networked PC with industry standard software including Microsoft Operating System, Microsoft Office and Adobe/Macromedia multimedia applications, as well as subject specific software and hardware such as the Raspberry Pi. All teaching is supported with interactive whiteboards in all IT & Computing rooms. Resources are available online and can be accessed from home with a broadband connection.

All students have access to their own email account and have filtered Internet access. The network has a firewall and in addition we run our own filtering on both internet and email. All users are asked to sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) prior to accessing the network.


Computer Science is the foundation of Computing, Information Technology the application and Digital Literacy the implication. Computer Science is concerned with how computers work and how to make them do things. This includes a large amount of programming.

Information Technology is concerned with using applications to solve real-world problems and express creativity. Students should be challenged to use a variety of tools to create digital artefacts eg items such as text, pictures, music or 3D animations created through digital technologies.

Digital Literacy is concerned with making students effective, responsible and critical users of technology within a wider society. The modern world comes with a range of new threats to people’s health and security, so making students digitally literate will prepare them to take an active role in the modern world.


Students in Years 10 and 11 can opt to take either OCR GCSE in Computer Science or the Level 2 OCR qualification in Creative iMedia.

The Computer Science GCSE gives students an in-depth understanding of how computer technology works, offering an insight into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’, including computer programming. The course encourages students to develop an understanding of emerging technologies; acquire and apply knowledge, some technical skills and an understanding of the use of algorithms in computer programs; acquire and apply creative and technical skills, knowledge and understating of IT in a range of contexts, develop computer programs to solve problems and evaluate the effectiveness of computer programs and the impact of computer technology in society.

Students will use Raspberry Pi and other emerging technologies developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This provides excellent preparation for higher studies and employment in Computer Science.

The Creative iMedia qualification is 75% coursework and allows students to develop their skill set through a range of units, including pre-production techniques, creating digital graphics, a multipage website, storytelling with a comic strip, creating a digital animation, interactive multimedia products and digital sound sequence.


At Key Stage 5 the IT and Computing Department offers students the opportunity to study an A Level in Computer Science

Advances in computing are transforming the way we work and the new Computer Science specifications are changing with the times. An evolutionary approach has built on strong foundations to deliver a flexible, accessible and rigorous qualification.

We are delighted to deliver an up-to-date course that focuses on the knowledge, understanding and skills students need to progress to higher education or thrive in the workplace.