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Curriculum intent

“Science helps us to answer our biggest questions and to meet our most basic needs: from explaining the deepest mysteries of the universe to the structure of elementary particles that form atoms. The findings of science have fundamentally shaped every aspect of our world. Science drives innovation, creating new knowledge to help us solve current and future problems. All young people are entitled to a high-quality science education, to the curiosity it engenders, and the understanding and the opportunity it brings.”

– OFSTED, “Finding the optimum: the science subject report” (published 2 February 2023)

“All life is problem solving.”

– Karl Popper

Our intention is, through studying the natural world and the phenomena we observe within it, to provide our students with the cultural capital and critical disciplinary skills to become active members of society.

Our intention, therefore, is to not only develop a love of science for its academic rigour, but also an appreciation of the importance of science in comprehending, through empirical evidence, why and how science has shaped and continues to shape the world that we live in.

The Science department includes 15 full-time and three part-time teachers. There are eight Science laboratories, all with projectors and white boards and equipped for practical work. The department has two laboratory technicians to support staff in lesson preparation and delivery.


Classes are taught all three sciences in Years 7, 8 and 9. The scheme of work has been developed by staff at Carlton le Willows and the course is well equipped.


In Key Stage 4 students follow the AQA science syllabus for Combined Science. Triple Science is also offered as an option.


At A Level the Science department offers: